High School Musical

My rowdy Algebra I boys are getting a tiny bit better. We can have moments of “flow” where everyone is engaged and working without distractions. The rest of the time I am constantly reminding them that they should not be bursting into song during class and especially while I am teaching. It’s crazy to me because I never accidentally burst into song in high school but it sure seems the case for them.


I cannot get over how well factoring is going. Even my struggling students are pulling it off. Out of 28 there is only one who seems to be confused and even she did okay, just backwards. Let’s hope this lasts all year.


I have a student whose dad is a coworker and we’ve been trying to get her to ask questions in class instead of waiting until she’s already bombed a quiz or test. She has asked one question, out loud, the last three days in a row and got a B on her quiz today so I call that major progress!

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